The Invisible Copywriter

99% of copywriters I work with feel invisible

If I had to give a number I would say almost 99% of copywriters I work with feel invisible.

That means…

Not enough interest

Not enough leads

Not enough clients

Not enough money

Because if you are not being seen as a copywriter you truly are invisible.

I Spoke To A Young Copywriter

He complained to me that he just couldn’t get enough clients.

I asked what are you doing about that?

He told me he posts on LinkedIn, posts on social, posts on sites like upworthy and that's about it.

I asked him how many visits do you have to your website or profiles.

His reply was that he hadn’t a clue.

I Spoke To Another Copywriter or Two

He has been studying writing copy now for well over five years. He still hasn’t had a client so continues to work in his full-time job as a store worker. The crazy part is the copy he writes is excellent, but he’s truly invisible.

And one more.

This guy told me he gets clients now and then, but they won’t pay more than $400 USA as an average. He has to spend days and weeks in search of one client.

Relentless Is Visible

I’ve been doing this job - copywriting - long enough to know you have to be doing something different to be seen, to be visible because if you are failing to be seen you are by default invisible.

As a copywriter myself, the things I have done over the years to get known and get seen have been just relentless. And you have to do that, you must do that if you want to be seen.

I have never met a client of mine that I haven’t pushed into relentless marketing. That relentless marketing has to become part of the way any business works. It’s something that is engrained like paying taxes or paying rent or paying for equipment.

Marketing yourself as a copywriter isn't a once or twice event, it's a daily process.

Eradicate Copywriting Invisibility

So one thing we cover during copywriting mentor - in-depth - is how to eradicate invisibility and create a highly visible copywriting business.

Marketing isn't a secret but it's a process that has to be carried through. To become an A-list copywriter you have to become an expert marketer. If you fail to market your service you will fail in all attempts to pull in amazing clients.

How come I have had new copywriters who have pulled in a staggering $90,000 in jobs in a few months? How come I have had new copywriters get their first job that as been more than their usual annual wage?

How come? Really simple. I show them how to take themselves as copywriters to the marketplace.

Simply put

This means marketing…

This means clients…

This means money…

3 Things To Get A Copywriter - YOU -Visible

  1. Tell everyone you are there. Its easy ask yourself who knows I am a copywriter in the business community? Use every single avalable marketing tool to let them know.

  2. Offer value. Writers are ten-a-penny so what can you offer to level up your game? Not all copywriters are equal - prove it.

  3. Go knock on client doors. Send letter. Use flyers. Do talks. Just get yourelf seen. You won’t do this sat behind a computer. Get out of your house and announce you’ve arrived.

Do You Know

Knowing what you want

Knowing who you want

Knowing what you are really good at

And then

Getting noticed

Being seen creating attraction

Becoming visible

And when you become truly visible you have the makings of a true business.

So What Is Being Visible?

It’s letting your prospects you know you are there.

It’s letting them know what you have to offer and can do.

It's making sure that when they need you you are the only option.

The Copywriter’s Real Hussle

One weekend I hussled a company to allow me to give a presentation to around 800 businesses. They eventually gave me 30 minutes to speak.

Before I went to the venue, I researched the guests. I then cross-researched a handful with the company putting the event on. After some more time, I found at least half a dozen clients I could target.

I prepared and went to deliver my talk.

In 30 minutes I had been seen by 800 businesses.

In that same 30 minutes, I won over three businesses that paid me £150,000 for my services.

Nothing was accidental. Everything was planned.

I can tell you this.

This was tough for me. Asking the host, preparing the talk and then curating a highly targeted campaign and presentation just for this half a dozen prospects was tough.

Yet it paid off.

Visibility and Copywriting Program

This is the type of ‘how-to’ visibility I share with my mentee students during their powerful copywriting program with me.

This is a powerful, business building and life-changing training.

And right now - there has never been a better time to become visible in this industry - never.

Are you invisible?

Hopefully, you will join me very soon on your own copywriting program

Alan Forrest Smith