PHOTO ABOVE: A corporate BREAKTHROUGH day for The Republic of Georgia’s biggest haulage companies.
“Alan almost 4 years have passed and they still talk about the day you spent with them talking about how to design their future. Thank you so much”
“I’ve worked with Alan on his BREAKTHROUGH mentoring day on a one-to-one basis, great lunch and company for sure. From my investment of £10,000 and the amazing copy provided by Alan, I’ve confirmed a £12,000 client, and two £7,000 clients in one month, that’s a total of £26,000 in one month, so I’ve already got my investment back! And the beauty is I can use the same strategy over and over again to bring in new high-end clients.”
Neelam Meetcha Author, TV Host, Creative Expert
Do You Need More Response, More Sales, More Leads, More Enquiries, More Walk-Ins & More Profit In Your Business?
You need ‘The Breakthrough’
Let’s be open; The money you’re taking in right now probably isn’t covering all of your outgoings. There is definitely more money going out than is coming in. You feel you deserve more results from all of your hard work putting your business together. You know something has to change yet you’re just not sure what? You need changes now, you need something, someone, somehow to direct you to some faster results without more costly mistakes.
Since 1998 at Orange Beetle here’s what my EXTREME BREAKTHROUGH consulting with well over 400 different businesses and generating well over £100 Million for my clients has taught me.
99.9% of the time there is no such thing as a marketing or advertising problem that cannot be solved.
99.% of the time there is no such thing as a business that cannot increase its turnover dramatically within weeks or sooner.
99.% of the time there is no such thing as a business result that cannot BREAKTHROUGH and rise to the next level.
I should know I have seen it many times with my own eyes. I have saved businesses from closing. I have doubled, tripled and in at least half a dozen cases quadrupled business turnover very quickly. I even saved a marriage and stopped a client’s wife from running away to another country due to her husband’s endless losses. And in one case my client went from zero to just under half a million in sales despite his endless failed campaigns.
The Extreme Mechanism: quickly identifying your ‘extreme mechanism’ is critical to fast change. These are the almost invisible points in most businesses that I identify and fix. These mechanisms once fixed can transform your results very fast.
The Response Points: Every business has response points. These are the areas where a customer will respond naturally. I will find and locate all of the areas where your critical response points are missing and show you exactly where to add them. I have seen these points once fixed increase response by 49.7% in less than a week.
The Direct Response Conversation: If this is right you no longer have to try and sell. Every buyer is already having an internal conversation before they reach you. Once they reach you if your conversation is not aligned with theirs - they will not buy from you. I will show you how to step inside their conversation by making simple proven changes. These changes can have a dramatic difference.
The 7-Day Mega-Extreme Strategy: You want more money in the bank right now. I have never once seen this to be a problem for any of my clients. There are strategies I have used for years to double many businesses’ turnover very fast. This can feel extreme in its application yet the results always speak for themselves. If you need more of everything right now this will fix it for you. I always advise a 7-Day Extreme Challenge. It works.
EXTREME List Marketing: Your list is packed with new sales and profits. I will show you how to locate and extract those profits. There is a conversation you can have with your list. The truth is they are probably wondering why you are never in touch with them. once you take this route expect big changes in your response. If you do not have a list right now I will show you how to build and use a new list.
AND MORE: After well over 30 years of creating breakthroughs and direct responses in marketing and advertising for business, I am sure you will understand I have a lot more than the above to offer. Let’s talk.
Your Business Breakthrough
Your EXTREME BREAKTHROUGH starts with having a conversation or a discovery call. This is so you can check I am the expert you need. I do this because I have noticed over the years most of my clients have already consulted with up to half a dozen previous ‘experts’ before they discover me. I would hate for you to feel my fee is just more of your cash thrown away.
Once we have that call and you feel happy we can then book a time and location to get started and decide on what service you need.
My quote will be based on what you need rather than what I want to give you. All of my fees and services are 100% bespoke for you. I will deliver a full brief and quote only after we have spoken.
The fact-finding call is just £500. You will find your call packed with solutions and observations. If we agree to work together this small initial fee is taken from any future fee. Book your call below.
Once we agree to move beyond your initial call your EXTREME BREAKTHROUGH session will be held remotely over Zoom or Skype.
I can and do also offer
Face-To-Face Breakthrough Sessions: I can come to you. All travel and expenses will be added to my fee. You can also travel to me in Altrincham, Cheshire.
Team Breakthrough Sessions Available: Please ask and let’s discuss.
All sessions can be from one hour to a full day… It really depends on what I think you need
The real solution has already been found.
Questioning? I have taken failing campaigns and reworded them to ask the reader to ask himself many questions. Without a shadow of doubt asking a reader to ask himself questions outputs every time. This is because the reader is masterfully asking himself a question and offering the reality in the answer. This in turn helps the reader decide to buy your product
Challenge tactics: I have often found that if I move away from what most are doing and do the unexpected the results pour in. In a town where 99.9% of businesses won’t be using flyers, I will use flyers. I have seen these increase new clients into business by well over 400%
Longer sales copy: In all of my years I have watched longer copy out pulls shorter copy time and time again. The real secret is to remove generalities and add a ton of specifics, facts and figures. Pull them all together in a story. This is what works. This is what I watched a client pull in over £12 million from changing his copy from a shorter to a longer direct response format.
Positioning: I have seen plain ordinary products repositioned and repriced. This has increased response in one case by 223.7%. For one test I offered a low price of £19, a middle price of £49 and a higher price of £199. Because of the direct response position sales increased by over 1100%
“From my investment, I’ve confirmed a £12,000 client, two £7,000 clients in one month, that’s a total £26,000 in one month, so I’ve already got my investment back!”
Find, Fix & Eliminate 99.9% Of Your Business Problems.
Those are real numbers from real BREAKTHROUGH clients.
Increased direct sales in 4-days by 2,300% with a proven direct response strategy
An outrageous leap of 900% in book sales over 14-days
Increase of sales by £74,000 from just ONE ad strategy
Sales of just under $15,000 to sales of over $88,400 after I tore apart, critiqued, advised and re-wrote a simple paragraph into his final offer on his direct mail sales letter
Created the strategy and tactics that sold over a million dollars from a single webpage selling a stocks and shares program
Increased sales by $2.4million from zero despite being close to bankruptcy!
From struggling entrepreneur to sales of over $300,000 in a single weekend after working with me on strategies and creating new direct messages
A brand new business that made her $4,000 in the first promotion (more than double her monthly wage).
A campaign pulled in just under £200,000 from a single marketing campaign using a fax mailer I re-wrote after the first attempt that had been written by the office staff failed!
From NO SALES to just under $500,000 from a single sales page. His first page flopped despite being written by a so-called pro. I re-wrote and designed the best-selling page for him
Created the system for a long-running webpage that has consistently pulled in 6.4% selling a health-related product
Designed an email campaign that generated over £24,000 in one week
Email campaign delivers 17 leads per hour (before it was one per day)
Single offline campaign with a flyer boosts sales by £15,400 in one day
Another email campaign to sales letter generates over £100,000 in a single week
Over 400 new clients from a single campaign that crashed her business
A £250,000 magazine advert that made one client rich!
21 sales from a magazine advert that replaced a failed advert. Each sale worth tens-of-thousands
Another client had an instant saving of over £60,000 after one breakthrough session
Another client slashes his marketing budget by well over £100,000 and then goes on to generate well over one million in sales over 12 weeks
A website that pulled sales of over TWELVE MILLION in a single month!
For another client, I uncovered 125 clients that were being missed DAILY!
BREAKTHROUGH business consulting is definitely for YOU if you are sick and tired of trying, investing, hoping and praying your marketing, your business is FINALLY going to work and actually make you more sales!
BREAKTHROUGH business consulting gives you or your team every last morsel of breakthrough marketing know-how to faster success from a respected business and marketing veteran.
New Businesses In Need of real and Proven Results Increasing Advice (and wants advice from a veteran of over three decades and over 20 years online)
Established Business Needing to, Breakthrough, Breakout and Level Up (or in need of a strategy that has delivered well over 100% increases on many occasions.
Business In Search of Big Ideas That Will Drive Change (or looking for the one single breakthrough idea that will change everything in your business like I recently did for a client that has given them profound breakthroughs)
My business BREAKTHROUGH has been designed to solve any of your business, strategic, tactical or marketing problems that are holding you back in a single session!
And whether you are new to the business and want to get it right from day one or you have been in business for years this is a unique session that will give you clarity and a way forward in a single-day session guaranteed.
BREAKTHROUGH sessions are designed to DELIVER CHANGE FAST!
Contact me here right now: WhatsApp /// Telegram /// Messenger: +447793069486
Below are at least five of the most common things I've seen time and time again working with my new clients. All of what you read are disasters. All are also easily fixable. All can change your life and business when fixed.
ENDLESS PLANNING: Do you have planning for marketing campaigns taking opinionated meetings, non-commitment decisions and months of planning when you want it all to happen yesterday? In fact, it looks like no one is doing anything but they all claim to be doing something!
LEADERLESS LEADERS: Your marketing is run by someone that always wants to tell someone else what to do yet the person who tell what to do is the person that usually has no idea what to do! Someone has to be blamed and no one wants to lose his or her job.
SOCIAL MEDIA ADDICTS: Marketing has become all about social media yet you have no results from social media that are worth shouting about. They want to buy likes, get shares and post videos yet the bottom line is – NO MORE SALES!
HOPE AND PRAY MARKETING: Your marketing isn’t tracked or measured because you or your team tries a new idea and another new idea and another new idea. You simply hope and pray it’ll work this time! No one understands how or what to track and measure apart from the things that really make no difference.
ANOTHER LOADED MARKETING EXECUTIVE: Hire yet another expert that tells you everything you want to hear but fails to deliver. Their badge is more important than your profits! They fight and battle and blame almost everyone else before looking at themselves. The problem is it leads to failure in your business whilst they go get another job!
Does most of that sound and feel familiar to you with your business strategy? Don’t worry 99.9% of clients that come to me are in the same position and again I will repeat it can all be fixed!
I can also tell you this… In my own businesses in the very early days, it took me years to understand and eventually master the art of business building so I really do understand and want to assure you once more ... It can all be fixed
Here’s What Your So-Called Marketing Experts Won’t Tell You Because They Simply Don’t Know
Marketing and running a business is not a university degree and a simple qualification – it’s a carefully studied and practised art and science that when carefully carried out is without a doubt the best investment you’ll ever make in your business. Noticed the word above... PRACTICED! Most qualified experts are practising in your business rather than using what works in the real world!
And it's worth saying right now that marketing is not a one-off event that is planned over months and then simply done and then everyone goes to drink coffee in the back room and just hopes to god that orders come in – NO! It’s a strategically planned program designed to start momentum, gather momentum and give you endlessly increased sales, endless leads, more growth, less stress and more finally happiness.
And remember – most marketers have no idea or no experience building a real business and dealing with real buyers – Your buyers like you have. They are marketers by qualification ONLY!
So right away when weighed in the balance it’s probably all doomed to fail by what I call the practice of HOPE & PRAY MARKETING. And let’s be truthful here you are not going to build your empire on a prayer are you!
A few years ago I spoke to a guy that had invested FOUR MILLION into a new business. He had everything in place but failed to invest a penny into marketing. He asked me if I would accept a small payment to help them hit the sum of twenty million. They didn't want to invest in the on e thing that could change everything. I turned the work away. They eventually closed for business with huge debt. It could have been a raging success.
Don't Hope and Pray - God Has No Interest In Your Business!
So now you're here and are reading this page for one reason only. Your marketing isn’t working and you urgently need some help that'll work for you. Not just the kind of throw away help that’s ten-a-penny these days but real help that will turn your business around fast.
Case 1. Small Business Consultation and Breakthrough.
My client was trying everything to get direct mail to work but faced endless failure. Now he was at a point where he wanted to remortgage his home (he had already sold his wife’s car) to generate more cash so he could try more marketing despite his current efforts failing.
One day in my business he asked me about my own direct mail efforts. I started direct mail and other marketing around 1991 and had great success with what I was doing. Every week for 17 years I worked on direct mail for my own businesses. The result from one letter was a consistent 65% response rate. Unheard of in the direct mail business!
I shared this story with him and he knew about the mailers I did so he asked me for help. His current loan was around half a million pounds for his business and despite spending everything on the product, a new car, staff and a nice office he hadn’t given marketing a thought. Like most businesses, he assumed that his clients would simply want to buy his product yet they would only buy it if they knew about it. He had tried direct mail with no results until I created a strategy that was to turn his business inside out for the better.
After slashing his mail volume from 5000 mailers to just 100 mailers he very carefully followed my instructions that were built around a strategy that gave him a response to 100 mailers of 47 direct leads. Those leads were £1,300 each. In the first year even with drop-off and an upsell strategy the sales came in at over £800,000!
Now some business owners will tell me that these days they want to work mostly online. I actually advise fusion system but here’s another short story for you.
Case 2. Case 1. Medium Business Consultation and Breakthrough.
A client came to my office with a big problem. The big problem was his leads were currently at between 5-7 a month despite the marketing efforts of his team. That’s a huge problem! So after carefully creating all of the tools needed, crafting a funnel for sales, designing an irresistible offer and training his team to handle everything properly his leads started to climb. Within 4 months his leads had gone to 25 a month. Now 25 leads doesn’t sound like a lot, but each lead is worth £3,000!
After around 8 months of working together, I invited him to dinner. We went out and he asked me if we could raise the leads to over 100 a month. Sure I said. His leads now stand at around 130 a month. All are worth around £3000 to him.
By the way, when we walked out of the restaurant he and his wife went one way and we went the other. As we drove home we stopped for gas not too far out of the town. Whilst I was filling my car with gas a brilliant red Ferrari pulled up with the noise of a jet fighter. As I looked over it was my client I had just eaten with. I shouted over is that yours? He replied yes… he had bought it on the back of the new sales, new leads and new success from the strategies we had created. I smiled and so did he as he roared past me five minutes later on the motorway! That client has since moved office, hired more staff and of course bought himself more toys he can play with while he is on another holiday.
Now above I mentioned fusion marketing. This really is a strategy built around many ways of connecting to your target market. Here’s another really quick story for you based around fusion marketing.
Case 3. Small Business Consultation and Massive Breakthrough.
This client’s business was a total chaotic mess. Her marketing had never worked, her adverts were bad, her online system was zero and frankly, she was about to go bust. She contacted me to help and begged me to help fast. She had cash to invest that could be put on a few credit cards. She did just that but when we first met I felt like this could be impossible.
What she needed had to be fast, hard-hitting and an almost instant turnaround. Debt was huge for the size of her business. The taxman wanted £17,000 right now and nothing else had been paid.
After careful planning, I had to create a strategy that would be transforming her business in 4 weeks otherwise it would be far too late.
In 4 weeks I increased her business by just below 55%. That 55% climbed to 116%. That gave her time but more importantly gave her cash. The cash paid her bills and that then gave her the luxury of creating a long-term plan that was to change everything for her. After 12 months not only was her business back on track but she moved premises, opened another two businesses and still had enough cash to go and buy herself a brand new car – cash!
ALL had made the same mistake
They all believed that starting their business, having everything in place, new cars, computers, offices, equipment and stock was enough. Marketing was the last thing on their minds and the most important thing they gave no attention to.
So … I consult, advise, mentor, guide and speak to businesses like yours to create new ideas that are built around human behaviour and of course - results! Or I fix things fast! I mostly work on BREAKTHROUGHS and always deliver. If you’re stuck I will get you through (as long as you listen to me).
Just once a week I offer a powerful 2-3 hour video consultation.
These calls are based on my now AFS METHOD.
The main focus is fast fixes, faster growth, and bigger and better ideas for your business.
It’s ONE FEE £995
Here are some previous results from
From ZERO to 47% campaign response
The result - £800,000 in sales
From failed email campaign to the huge response
The result is over £42,000 in sales in 12 hours
From zero planning emails to strategic emails
The results were an average of £7,000 per email
From extremely low digital ad response to exponential sales
The result is over £300,000 per month
From a business just 4 weeks from bankruptcy to a thriving business
The results 116% increase in profit in one week
And here are some more numbers.
223.7% increase in 23 days
£21,450 in 3-days
53.4% growth
£35,000 in new sales in 5 days
£90,000 in sales from ONE email
£25,000 in sales from a new lead
100% conversion from a single letter
125 new calls per day
It's a simple 3-step fix for your campaign conversions and results - and fast!
Book your slot
Arrange our date
We meet and I will give you a solution to your problem
I'll identify the issue and show you the fix INSTANTLY or within 72 hours
Business Breakthrough - Results Can Completely Change Everything For You
Imagine having a real expert with over three decades of front-line business experience, massive conversion track record with results, someone that lives and breathes the human behaviour that creates your sales. Can you imagine the huge value of spending time with an expert at that level in your own business?
FROM: One-hour to full-day breakthrough sessions are available!
Helping two consultants BREAKTHROUGH
FASTER BREAKTHROUGH: You don’t have to do what most do and spend months and year working it all out. You access the fast route to more success in a single session.
EFFECTIVE BREAKTHROUGH: No more hope and prating it might work. You get a mind that has three decades of experience working at the top and boasts unbeatable results even as you read this page
CHEAPER BREAKTHROUGH: Reduce waste on marketing loss, strategy fails, tactical disasters and fadish advice by accessing someone that has his finger on the pulse to what is working right now.
HAPPIER BREAKTHROUGH: More results and you sleep at night. In other words life is happier.
You really don’t have to settle for bad results in your business. My personal and bespoke BREAKTHROUGH sessions are proven to work.
I've worked with businesses of every size. From the mighty U.K. real estate guys at Martin and Co, global security experts at PGI International all the way to struggling start-ups and fired-up entrepreneurs that want to start with a bang!
99.9% Of Business Problems - Fixed Permanently
You can have these fixed: strategies, direct mailers, online campaigns, your message to the market, branding issues and more. Some of my client results have varied from £1.2 million in new car sales, £300k windfall for a property client to new sales of over £35,000 for TV personality and expert Neelam Meetcha.
My Extreme Breakthrough Works
“In 4 weeks he has refocused our attention on stabilising and building a BUSINESS. He has almost DOUBLED our turnover in 4 weeks…….at the quietest time of the year!! He has opened our eyes to everything about our business and what we were doing and has flipped it on its head!!
“I sent the email on Tuesday afternoon, about 10 minutes later I checked my inbox and was pleasantly surprised to find I had 16 replies from potential customers asking for quotes – by the end of that afternoon I had nearly 50 emails asking for quotes, and I ended up staying in the office until 1am finishing them all! Then the next day I had about 10 more! In the following 3 days, I took over $21,450.00”
“Alan’s strategies and advice with guidance and fun along the way took my business to a 53.4% in four weeks and 116% rise in one year. Anyone thinking of doing MENTOR with Alan I would say go for it. There’s absolutely no question It will change your business like it did mine. “Since working with Alan my life and business have been transformed!”
Alan took my failed direct mail letters and set them on fire. I was losing so much money my wife almost left me. He re-wrote the letters and cut back the number of mailers. The campaign had a result of 47% with sales of over £800,000 in 12 months.
Thank you, Alan”
“Alan is a Kick-Ass Mentor“
We had been on Alan’s email list for a long time and I initially found him through his orange beetle site.
It was the philosopher-poet in him that attracted me to Alan; that and the fact he is a kick-ass mentor.
And when I say he is kick-ass , he has definitely kicked ours a couple of times!!
we’re a salon that was doing well but lurching from one crisis to another. We contacted Alan after one particular series of staff crisis as we couldn’t see the wood for the trees and felt that we needed new direction and help to steer the ship.
Alan came in and immediately saw what need doing and helped us very quickly focus on the important stuff –
He got us to immediately concentrate on the numbers, daily/weekly totals, clients and averages
He helped us write and set in motion a kick-ass campaign to get new ROCK STAR staff and got us to think about recruitment in a different way – and within two weeks we had 2 new members of staff that are now pulling in over a £1000 a week!!
We recruited a kick-ass Receptionist.
He helped set in motion, weekly and daily meetings with our team; holding them accountable for their columns
We introduced new specialist services
Raised prices overnight by 10% with no client losses
Created a managers role and filled that the position from within our existing team
Started an email campaign with a 71% open rate – unheard of
At the beginning, the plan we worked out with Alan was to be doing 10k weeks, and although we’re not quite there yet, we know that 10k is within touching distance and we’re determined to get there, and soon!
Honestly, Alan has helped us focus and given us belief.
Don’t get me wrong, it’s been really hard but rewarding work !! Alan has been there constantly in the background cajoling, demanding, driving and giving us ideas and has been on hand 24hrs a day!
He is true to his word. Honest as hell and a great guy that wants you to succeed at all times.
I think any business will benefit from working with Alan.
Izaak Brading & James Langley
Mod Salons, Leeds
SAGE HAIR in Wickham, UK began SALON MENTOR EXTREME Jan 2nd, 2018. Here is what has happened in just 23-days so far.
TURNOVER: more than Doubled
NEW CLIENTS: up to 30 plus per week
COLOUR SALES: Up over 100%
NEW STAFF: found and started
BEST WEEKS EVER: despite it being January – their 3-best weeks ever and still increasing every week.
NEW MARKETING STRATEGY: fast, proven, bespoke, effective and working like crazy
The following has been done WITHOUT ANY ONLINE marketing. The following is part of a very precise, detailed, tested and focused 12-week plan. What you are about to read is part one. Part one is about stabilising the business.
During this period my SALON MENTOR EXTREME clients have open access to my 33-years experience. They can text, call, email, WhatsApp, Viber, Skype, face-to-face as often as needed. One day I have had around 50 plus texts from just one mentor client. ALL clients get a direct reply from me within seconds.
Read what the salon sent to me after just 3-weeks and 2 days in SALON MENTOR EXTREME 2018 …
Well, what can I say!!
We had a salon, a team, a business – Or so we thought!!
We were taking on average £2-3000 a week, it covered the bills… just! We spent A LOT of nights worrying about how we were going to pay the staff if there was money in the bank to pay the product company…. We didn’t take a wage, we didn’t have any spare cash, we thought we were doing everything like we should but we were still not seeing any increase….until we called Alan.
We spent many more nights wondering whether we should take the risk, it was a lot of money that we certainly didn’t have.
We made the jump… and it was honestly THE BEST THING WE HAVE EVER DONE!!!!
Alan ripped our business apart and showed us it in a completely different light….
In 4 weeks he has refocused our attention on stabilising and building a BUSINESS.
He has almost DOUBLED our turnover in 4 weeks…….at the quietest time of the year!!
He has opened our eyes to everything about our business and what we were doing and has flipped it on its head!!
We are 4 weeks in…..we cant for the results after 12.
Alan is fantastic, he is supportive, encouraging and he knows what he’s talking about! He is ALWAYS at the end of the phone, he keeps us focused and he gets results…… it ’s just simply amazing!
I can’t wait to write about our journey after the next 4 weeks!
Rich and Steph, Sage Hair Wickham
Are You Ready For your BREAKTHROUGH?
Here is the one thing I want to share with you on my BREAKTHROUGHS. Not one single time in working with my own businesses since 1985 or businesses like yours since the early 2000s have I seen a problem that cannot be fixed - NEVER!
Most of your marketing problems can be resolved in a single day. Some problems need a system or strategy can be installed so the BREAKTHROUGH will happen over time. 100% of the time my breakthroughs bring instant results - no exceptions - not yet!
How One Client Scooped a Massive £30,000+ After Just One BREAKTHROUGH Session
I will let her tell you her own result.
"Alan I mean this from the bottom of my heart.
I was introduced to Alan by a friend. My business is based on the creative industries and it took hard work, determination, blood sweat and tears to establish my business, as the leading creative market leader in the UK. I have clients travelling from all over the world for my training courses and it's amazing to wake up every morning, knowing that I can service my clients from the rich and famous, TV shows, celebrities and billionaires.
Of course bringing in high-end clients take a lot of time and effort and it got to a stage where I needed to get back to my goal of reducing my working hours and increasing my family time and that's exactly what Alan has helped me to do.
I've worked with Alan on his VIP mentoring day on a one to one basis, great lunch and company for sure. From my investment of £10,000 and the amazing copy provided by Alan, I've confirmed a £12,000 client, two £7,000 clients in one month, that's a total £26,000 in one month, so I've already got my investment back! And the beauty is I can use the same strategy over and over again to bring in new high-end clients.
Alan is very strategic about packaging and leveraging your existing skills and services. It doesn't matter how long you've been in business there is always room for growth and expansion. I love the fact Alan is so down to earth, listen, guys, his clients are turning over millions of pounds however Alan is so open and honest with the truth, makes you feel so comfortable, he gives so much thought and care to your business.
If you are ready to grow your business, first you need to step out of your comfort zone about investing money into your business, I can assure you if you follow his recommendations you will not be disappointed. It takes a lot of courage and strength to keep going, however, you can make your journey easier by working with experts and Alan is an expert in his field so go ahead and make your decision to have a chat with Alan today.
Alan, I would like to thank you for being so open and supportive in the next step of my business, it's going to an even more amazing journey than it has been so far. Thank you again."
Neelam Meetcha Author, TV Host, Creative Expert
Neelam Meetcha - Fabulous Gift Wrapping Expert TV Host, Author and Speaker, 01902 628014 | 07931 805198 |
NOTE: Permission given to share her name and details. Most of my clients like to remain private.
More Breakthroughs With Amazing Results.
BREAKTHROUGH: Like the salon owner that increased her salon turnover by 53.4% in just 4 weeks (but actually increased her cash in her drawer the day after we met)
BREAKTHROUGH: Like the printer that generated over £42,000 in sales from a single email after we re-wrote his email messages to his list ( this guy was almost bankrupt - after our breakthrough, he generated over £2 Million in sales over a year)
BREAKTHROUGH: Like the promoter that struggled to sell seats and slashed over £100,000 from his marketing budget only to increase his sales by over £800,000
BREAKTHROUGH: Like the security company that went from 1 lead a day to over 17 leads per hour. The phone line went so crazy they called and asked me to switch off what I had switched on.
BREAKTHROUGH: Like the lawyer that increased his leads from 3 a month to over 260 per month! (He then went out and got himself a Rolls Royce as his reward for his new breakthrough.
BREAKTHROUGH: Like the consultant that went from as good as no sales to sales of over £74,000 in sales after her breakthrough. She also went from £20 per hour to £250 per hour
BREAKTHROUGH: Like the Yoga teacher who's sales messages couldn't sell a thing to her sell-out classes with one class taking in over $117,000 from one campaign
Do You Want a BREAKTHROUGHS Like That?
A breakthrough can be something so small that you just aren't seeing it from where you are. Not only are you not seeing it neither is your team or those around you. And that's a huge problem because it is stopping you from hitting your next level. It could be an even bigger problem that is stopping you from thriving and possibly surviving!
This is what I called the BREAKTHROUGH or breaking point. It will go one way or the other.
The Gigantic Value of a BREAKTHROUGH?
Something small can create something large. A landslide is usually started with a small stone falling down the hill yet it still results in a landslide.
I once re-created an offer for a business that took a campaign from one sale to over 73 sales. I spent a full day re-crafting his offer. His sales came to just under £200,000 from the campaign. Yet what I did to the page would in some people's eyes be such a small thing yet the results was a huge breakthrough.
I spent 3-days at another business. All she wanted was to be No.1 in her city. I spent 3-days putting a strategy into place to position her in her marketplace. She is now No.1 in her city and has been able to open a second location in her city by using my proven BREAKTHROUGH strategIES.
I took a direct mail campaign for a client that was and had failed. I reduced his mailings by over 5,000 per month, re-wrote his letters and his offer. The strategy and tactics gave this client a multi-million-pound business in the cosmetic industry. It was a BREAKTHROUGH that saved his marriage.
On the surface, all seem so subtle and small changes that didn't involve massive rebuilds of company systems or tactics. All were ultra-effective in making a shift and generating huge breakthroughs for each entrepreneur.
I Am Ready To Create a Business Shifting BREAKTHROUGH For You!
Don't worry I can help. I am an expert that experts come to for advice. I am a mentor that mentors call. I am a trainer that trainers ask for guidance. I can help you.
I am happy to review, critique, advise consult and ramp up all of your marketing or strategies to help you get the BREAKTHROUGH I am sure you more than deserve!
NOTE: All of my BREAKTHROUGHS are 100% bespoke and premium. This means although there is a list below, if we work together your BREAKTHROUGH is designed around you, your problems, solutions and needs. All my work is 100% confidential.
Most BREAKTHROUGH Sessions Are Remote
Most of my clients prefer it this way. It is easier and saves time for you.
But you can come to me. Once you are out of your own workplace for a day you will feel mentally more open, you will feel no pressure to work while still in your office, it also gives you privacy and a secure space where you can talk openly and in total confidence.
I am based in the Altrincham in Cheshire. I can arrange to meet you here or in Manchester. Most of my clients fly into Manchester Airport and we meet for the day there. Message:U.K. 07793069486.
Clients fly in from Switzerland, Norway, USA, Australia, Singapore, Australia, Scotland and more. Likewise, it isn't uncommon for a client to fly me to them if that is what suits you for your BREAKTHROUGH.
How Much Longer Can You Hang On For?
Sadly, 100% of new clients that come to me have all tried many marketing companies, PR agencies, social media experts, gurus etc. to help get results with their marketing over many years before they finally find me. One client spent over £22,000 on a website that never sold a thing. Another had spent $17,000 on sales copy that couldn't sell water to a man dying of thirst in the desert.
Are You Ready for Your BIG BREAKTHROUGH?
Now of course there are many MENTORS available online but only one like myself that has a unique methodology created with 30-years of real business experience... THE AFS METHOD!
Here are a few quick-fire reasons I should be your only option
TRY OTHERS you can try others first that are a lot lower rate than myself and when it all fails due to their lack of real-world experience you can come back to me (this has happened many times with one client using FIVE MENTORS before he worked with myself)
THE AFS PROVEN METHODOLOGY: removes all the cash wasting nonsense and prioritizes your success before anything using time proven, multi-million return strategies that haven’t me or my clients failed yet! Stabilise, leverage, balance, innovation and success!
I AM PREMIUM RATE ALMOST XXX: pay cheap and you get cheap. My fee is high but your returns are even higher. You'll shower me with gifts for the results we get together!
EARLY ADOPTER: I myself have always been an early adopter of everything. If there is something new in marketing you can bet I have tested it and will know if it works or fails. I only use what works.
ALL THINGS WEB: What works online we know and we use. Almost all my own business is mobile with all of my business coning via the web. However, if you like the idea of building a business that does 12 million a month and drives one million in traffic a month or creating huge lists with 65% conversion rates – I can show you how we do that for our clients!
DIRECT MARKETING AND GUERILLA MARKETING: I can guide you with campaigns that will slash your costs and give you unimaginable positioning very fast. Recently I did a city centre campaign that was so prominent the whole city was talking about it. Cost - £500
FRIENDS NOT CLIENTS: I treat all of my clients as friends even inviting them to my home or dinners. There is no off switch in my relationship with you. Once we have our joint success we can sit and drink a drink of our best in a location of kings.
UNIQUE PARTNERSHIP OPPORTUNITY: I am always looking for long-term partners I can make a million or two with. That means I have to make you a hell of a lot more than that.
THE BRUTAL TRUTH: I am more then well known for my sharp, honest and brutal truth. I will not let you take a wrong turn if I can help it and make even more mistakes. You get the honest truth at all times and more!
NO UNIVERSITY TRAINING: I think different, act different, see solutions different and deliver results that are different. The reason is I have had to make things work with my own businesses, I have had to make marketing work with paying clients businesses and I have always used only what is in your best interests not in mine! No formal training means I don’t have formal thinking. You get unique and you get what works!
ANYTIME ACCESS TO ME: I reply to my own emails. I reply to my own messages. I pick up the phone if you call me. I get back to you as soon as I am free if I am busy when you call. My relationship with you is critical to your success and trust in me.
And … Why work with me and not other business consultants?
I am one of what some will call the 'most expensive options. I’m a huge believer in paying cheap you get cheap. Pay for premium and you get premium. My strategies have never cost any of my clients a single penny – not once. They pay me, they send me bonuses, they give me commissions and they even send me wonderful gifts despite the fact they have paid me already and you know why? Never once has my fee been a price to them. It’s an investment that is quickly returned and delivers the best ROI any investment could ever return in business.
Steve paid me £10,000 for a single piece of long sales copy. His return was just under 2 million dollars in real sales! Along with the copy I advised him and created a sound strategy. Does his payment o me seem high.
You really do get what you pay for.
I am a NO-RISK CONSULTANT & MENTOR … as long as you are a good partner to me and listen. As long as you allow me to take control and guide you exactly where you need to be guided to for success.
BREAKTHROUGH is best for you if you have a business right now and you KNOW & UNDERSTAND it needs a BREAKTHROUGH and must be fixed! It is for you if you take business seriously and results are your main objective. It is for you if you understand you are not a marketing genius and now is the time to build one into your plans for even greater success. BREAKTHROUGH is even for you if you are about to start a new business and you NEED to get it right from day one. It is NO-RISK!
This is a moment where you will critically decide what to do and it’s a choice that has three options.
THE DUMB OPTION: Bury your head in the sand and simply hope that one day you will get your marketing right and survive in the meantime after all throw enough mud and it should stick right?
THE SAFE BUT STILL DUMB OPTION: Keep your money that you are being asked to invest, put it into another account and get a pathetic 1% or more interest annually
NO-RISK, HIGH RETURN OPTION FOR THE SMART: Take control right now. Get advice, get mentored, and get guided with advice that has seen returns of 47%, 83%, 116%, 1200% and more. Surely there is just one option worth taking?
Now a little more on your investment, I didn’t mention above.
How To Get Your Initial Investment Back
Once we start on BREAKTHROUGH built into my AFS METHODOLOGY is my principle of zero-cost marketing. This means to you that one of the first things I will do for you look at how the investment you have with me can be returned to you within the first 8-weeks or sooner.
In other words, the cash invested at the start – in 8 weeks if you do as I say you will probably get back in your bank!
Is that possible?
YES - almost all of my clients apart from one or two exceptions get their investment back within weeks. This is a simple secret I used first in my own business decades ago and have been using on my clients businesses for years. I will do an initial analysis for you to see if I can do that for you. (the exceptions are those that pay me for advice and simply ignore what I advise them – hard to believe but yes that happens now and then).
The rules are really simple to make this happen on your side.
Listen to what I say and do it. The clients that do that never fail! If you are the client that listen and does exactly as I say both yourself and myself will enjoy a highly prosperous year.
My guarantee is simple. I do not offer any kind of money back under any circumstance. My time is what I sell alongside my expertise. Once my time has gone it has gone. I take this issue very seriously. You get the same mind that has proven itself in over 400 industries, generated millions in sales for his clients, saved businesses from closing and even turned some businesses around in under a week.
I know this was a long page and even if you don’t work with me I hope it’s really given you something to think about for you and your business.
I make no jokes when I share with you that most marketing fails in a spectacular fashion. I have seen companies throw away so much money doing frankly stupid marketing you just wouldn't believe it and I could write a volume the size of war and peace on those stories (maybe one day).
For now, though I would love to help you create a truly spectacular new year in your company and even help you build a truly life-changing empire. I know you want that otherwise, you wouldn’t have read this far that’s for sure.
Shall We Work Together?
A couple of quick reminders that will help you to decide if you should have me as your BREAKTHROUGH MENTOR!
I do my best to make sure you get your investment back as fast as possible. 4-8 weeks isn’t unknown for me and actually quite common.
This is an investment for the life of your business that removes a lot of hurdles and gives you success fast.
Most marketing fails because more marketers have no idea. This is front-line proven, tested and delivers.
Everything we work with or talk about is tracked, measured and tested at every level. I do not do hope and pray strategies.
I will be working closely with you for 12 weeks and then support for another 12 weeks beyond that.
I am always open to discussing long-term deals, exclusive contracts and payment terms
I do however pre-qualify all of my BREAKTHROUGH clients because the truth is I only work with people that want success and are willing to work for that success. You know what you get for doing nothing – nothing. You know what you get for doing a little – a little and you know what you get for working flat out and giving it everything – everything.
Let’s Get Started Right Now
Once we have an initial conversation and agree on what is needed then we can put everything down for you in the contract to be agreed upon. I think that makes more sense, do you?
YOU GET: Intensive (but friendly) phone or Skype fact-finding consultation
YOU GET: Immersive review, critique and directions of all your marketing
YOU GET: Review of your team or your own efforts with marketing
YOU GET: Help to create your short and long-term business master plan
YOU GET: To call me daily to ask anything and make sure you are on track
YOU GET: My brain – the same brain some call – ‘GENIUS’ – ‘ BRILLIANT’
YOU GET: STOP THINK ACT METHODOLOGY – Reliable, fail-proof and proven with the shadow of a doubt!
YOU GET: THE AFS METHOD – Developed over 30 years working inside the marketing machinery of huge corporations and tiny start-up and solo entrepreneurs and of course my own hugely successful businesses
YOU GET: Everything I know about creating phenomenally successful 7-figure direct mailers (like response rates of 47%, 63% and an insane 83%)
YOU GET: Everything I know about breakthrough marketing online (that includes how to create websites that sell to almost every visitor)
YOU GET: Everything I know about creating, thinking and then writing sales copy that sells as much as you want to sell (I will share with your copy that has sold literally millions upon millions of pounds)
YOU GET: Everything I know about positioning and being the only option (this means your prices and profits can be restructured for bigger sales)
YOU GET: Everything I know about creating marketing that works (and removing everything that is failing you right now)
YOU GET: Everything I know about turning business around fast (like I did for a client that was broke – so broke he couldn’t pay the invoice – and after just one day working with me sold over £42,000 of product and then turned over £2 million in sales)
YOU GET: Everything I know about how to understand what customers really think and then buy from you (and it isn’t what you think. Changing this will send your sales through the roof like they have for many clients of mine)
What works and what doesn’t work – reviews, critiques and solutions
What do you have right now we can make money with?
What needs to be dropped, stopped and chopped right this minute?
The 7-day instant plan for instant sales
The 21-day EXPLOSIVE strategy for explosive profits
The 12-week MASTERPLAN strategy for life
How to create powerful adverts without writing powerful ads yourself
How to say the right things at the right time to your buyers
How and why you should use triggers in everything you put out into your marketplace
What do your buyers really buy – it’s not what you think (it never is) and how you give them exactly what they want
How to position your business as the one and only option
Why your business cannot survive without a funnel and how to create funnels that actually work
The real reason first time visitors never buy and the only reason they always will buy
Direct mail – how and when to use it – and how to create sizzling mailers your customers will love – how to write, design and package your mailers for irresistible openings and actions
Personality marketing or selling more personality in your business. People love people not just products. I can show you the secret of getting it absolutely right!
Engagement for the insta-generation because the days of hard sell are gone and the days of give us what we want and what we want NOW are here
High-speed marketing – results faster than a Japanese bullet train!
Instant marketing – how to create and send a campaign that sells in 30 minutes or less
Database marketing – how to turn your database into the crock of gold at the end of the rainbow at least 3-days a week!
How to use social media like no one use social media – this is the exact opposite to what the experts and agencies have been telling you but the difference is – THIS ACTUALLY WORKS!
How to create endless irresistible offers that create endless buying frenzies
Why corporate layers in your company must be demolished right now if you want successful marketing – they are destroying your business
How to make a decision now and do it minutes later – abolish scheduling marketing forever because it’s destroying the minds of your staff.
How to plan a successful campaign
Why fusion marketing is the fail-proof way to market your business
How to use email and why email works when done properly – most email campaigns fail yet we have campaigns that have open rates of 60-74%
I Won't Give You Any Of The Above If You Don't Need Them. Breakthrough Is 100% Bespoke Around You And Your Business. You Get Proven Experience And Proven Expertise
PRIVACY: You will be protected by my PRIVACY agreement. None of your personal details or business details will be used at any point unless we agree otherwise.
Are you fed up with your efforts or your team’s efforts at marketing and the failing results and truly ready for an incredible 2016? Is it time to cut out the chaotic marketing that is costing you a fortune? Are you determined to make 2016 your best year ever?
I am willing to work with you and allow you to work with me and my team (after an interview). I am also willing to give you what I can over a 12-week period to get you back on track.
Let’s together make your next year your best year ever in BREAKTHROUGH.
Here Is What You Need To Do Now
I rarely work with any more than 2-3 clients a year. You need to be quick if this is of interest to you.
I want this to be the best year we ever have and the beginning of a fantastic relationship with you so we can both grow EMPIRES rather than just businesses. I understand everything you have said on this letter and all the details you talk about I know there are more things I can ask you direct and you will tell me. I also understand my business is bespoke to myself and you can and will help us create marketing that suits our business and our customers.
I really want to sign up right now and work with you as our CONSULTANT.
I want to start at the earliest possible moment you have free, please. I know you’ll do everything to fit me in right away.
As soon as we agree on all of the detail, the contract is agreed and we get started I look forward to our first face-to-face meeting at a place suitable for yourself and myself.
I feel excited and frankly pretty relieved I have found you and your proven services.
And Alan I trust you. I will listen to you. I will do as you guide me and I will carefully follow your advice from start to finish.
Let’s do this, please.
Once you contact me I will arrange a no-cost chat over the phone and then we should arrange an initial meeting. The first meeting is paid for of course but IF we work together that initial payment will be removed from any future invoices.
You will also be sent an initial brief along with the MENTOR payment details.
IMPORTANT NOTE: Payment is never usually negotiable but I do take assets that are of real value like cars, property, technical equipment and a few other material things that you might have lying around and not in use but sellable. The value to me is trade price NOT. I do always require a minimum of 50% cash down with any barter items. Let’s talk.
Fill out the form and I will be in touch within 24 hours at the latest.
Let's Talk Right Away About your BREAKTHROUGH Program
Let's set up a call Zoom or phone
Next, we agree on what your problems are
Then we make sure I have access to all of your marketing materials online and offline
I will send over a detailed questionnaire that must be filled out
I will review everything you have sent and read the replies when they come back to me.
I will find a solution that is proven and tested or I might advise that you stop certain things altogether with your Marketing
We will talk a few times. Over the phone, Skype or face to face. I can come to you but all travel, accommodations and time costs must be covered as extra.
Finally, I will send you a comprehensive document that is printed in hard copy and delivered to your desk via ups or other priority delivery service.
The first invoice should be paid in advance. This is a single payment. There is no payment program available on BREAKTHROUGH.
I guarantee BREAKTHROUGH is the best investment you make in your business ever as long as you follow through or work with myself and my team to follow through.
Can you allow things to carry on the way they are carrying on your business on or do you really need a change maker that actually understands, knows and will apply this and more into your business fast? Breakthroughs are exactly what they are - BREAK - THROUGH!
This is a perfect opportunity with a limited investment and strong ROI. What you get from me can be used as long as you are in business - decades later if that is where you are.
I don't take risks with your business, everything I will share with you is front line tested, proven and effective. Everything takes into full account your brand, your current message to the marketplace and your positioning in your marketplace.
But this is never about cost, it's about a return on your investment and if my track record is anything to go by your risk is as good as zero!
A word of warning: I am so confident that you'll be blown away you'll beg me to fly over to some luxury island to discuss how you can utilise my skills for your business in the future ... That I promise!
I'm looking forward to helping you make changes and new profits after my most powerful BREAKTHROUGH service!
And by the way - this is magic, it really is just like magic. You will see a result that I promise will leave you wondering how did I do this for you. I know that because I've been doing this for years and my results just grow and grow. I can't wait to work with you, let's talk very soon.
Text/WhatsApp: + 44 07793069486 with the word BREAKTHROUGH
Yours in success
Alan Forrest Smith