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Story of Two Copywriters

This is the story of two copywriters.

John and Steve both started in the world of copywriting at the same time. In fact both met on an online forum, both exchange contact details and both eventually became good email and Skype buddies.

When they started both John and Steve bought the same books. They would exchange ideas, talk about clients and discuss the best ways to move deeper into an industry that was new for both of them.

John had previously worked in a school. Steve had spent 9 years working for the same company.

Despite the fact both were making money both noticed how hard it was to get clients, keep clients and charge well for the work they were doing for their clients.

During a conversation John talked about taking things in a new direction. He wanted Steve’s thoughts on investing into more than just books and actually taking more direction from an expert or a mentor.

Steve told John that he thought paying anyone a grand a month for advice was pretty outrageous. John argued that it would be worth it if the master could reveal to him how to generate a minimum of a grand a month or his target of 10k a month.

Steve told him he was crazy At this point John was generating around 3.5k a month from his copywriting. Steve was scraping trough just over 2.2k per month from his copywriting services.

Steve was now thinking about doing his copywriting part-time and working back in another job part-time to make ends meet whilst John was trying to work out how to get to the next level.

John finally found a master he could work with. His father kindly helped him to make the initial payment but he had made a decision to work hard with his new mentor and apply everything he was shown.


The first month John’s turnover went from 3.5k to just over 12k. The second month John discovered three new ways to create new revenue streams from his copywriting skills.  The third month john at 48 years old had the first windfall of his life and made just under 30k in sales in a single day.

During this 3-month period John had gone from struggling to a serious businessman creating seriously life-changing cash.

Steve in the meantime grew resentful of john and eventually broke his relationship from John and his relationship with copywriting.

Steve now works back in the job he ran away from, the job he hated. John has since employed three staff and is racing towards a turnover of 600,000 in his first year since working with his mentor.

What really happened here with John and Steve? Steve had focused on the cost of a mentor and thought it would be cheaper or more cost effective to go it alone. This resulted in failure and a return to his job.

John decided to take what he called a ‘calculated risk’. He never saw it as a cost and always saw it as an investment, it was just an investment he couldn’t afford at the time but now he has gone from just over $3k a month to around $50k a month.

Does any of the above sound like your copywriting business? Are you stuck, struggling and desperate to move forward with your copywriting business?

Are you like Steve and just about to give it all up? You have spent a small fortune in time and in study yet you still cannot get over the next hurdle into more sales, more profits and more clients.

This year has been the same old repeat process and apart from the first 7 days last January when you were on fire and ready to take on the world you have slipped back into the same old thing the same old routine and the same old marketing processes.

Steve gave up and went back to his old job. John took a leap of faith and watched it pay off handsomely. This year can be a year that change takes place for you.

Businesses are struggling yet are still going spending on their marketing. They are looking for copywriters just like you.

See this content in the original post

MENTOR  is going to remove any risk for you, give you ways to double your copy turnover with any clients, quadruple your copy business instantly plus add multiple income streams so when you have no copy to do your still making cash.

It’s all on the page – go read now!

Plus for those that book right now and pay in advance I am giving you a full APPLE office suite.

iMac Desktop, MacBookPro, iPhone and iPad to help you get on your way fast!

Don’t be like Steve, you might think the story is over for you but the truth is, it’s only just starting. What you have to do now it take a leap of faith but only if you feel it’s worth it and you deserve it.

Do you deserve a new year, a new life and a business that thrives rather than struggles?

If you said yes MENTOR  is for you. There is just ONE MENTOR place remaining. If its you don't let this year be like every other year.

Alan Forrest Smith

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